We blasted bombs in front of the Dean. Pissed off people. Took pictures inside the exam hall. Applauded the the first guy to leave the exam hall. Beat the daylights out of the guy who came out last. These memories will last forever.
This is end of life at NITIE as I know it.
dat was 1 helluva roller coaster rise v had....v can b outta NITIE in smtime but NITIE ll nvr go out of our minds!!
I know exactly how you feel!! a few more months before you become and alum officially.. welcome to the other side of life! :) and yeah it sucks!
Really miss these days man.. Will miss all of you here... NITIE is the best that could happen to me... :)
LIfe as v know is coming to an EnD!
BUt Had a helluva time.PLus I m stayin till May...:)
wazaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :)
There is this whole weird feeling, and not good weird, about this coming to an end. Not sure how to react to it, yet :(
It is yet to sink in to me! But as they say, may be this is how it was meant to be. I am extreeeeeemely happy that I came to NITIE coz of reasons apleny but 422 a special! We had one hell of a time here alright! :)
Dont know wat to say.. It was really a great time in life to spend with some of the smartest minds in the country.. It was fun.. Even good things gotta end.. Love uuuuuuuuu all....
All the best guys.. hv fun wherever u go..
Repeat: It was the best time in my life.. and i mean it.. NITIE truly roooxxxxxxxxxxx
All I can say is enjoy whatever little spare time you have...pretty soon you will be chasing deadlines and attending mindless meetings...
All the very best!
The whole year spend 40 million in translationDwight Howard shoes
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