"What can one do against reckless hate ?", says King Theoden as the Uruk Hai break into the fortress at Helmsdeep.
These words echoed in my head as a bunch were huddled in front of the TV on Wednesday night as the events unfolded along one of my favourite places in Bombay. As innocent lives were taken, vigilant cops killed and hotel residents taken hostage, a sense of helplessness engulfed the residents of this city.
Who is to blame ?
The system ?
The politicians ?
The late reaction of the otherwise swift Military forces ?
I leave that to your judgement. I'm just filled with anger. An anger that comes from realization that I'm in a position where I can do nothing, but vociferously express my feelings. I'm a common man and I echo the voices of a hundred more people who I have spoken to atleast.
TV channels always raved about the "resilient spirit" of the Mumbaikar, but now that I'm here I realise it is not resilience, but numbness that has taken over this city. People are getting used to this and the Government just sits there, fires a few people, plays the blame game, promises meagre amounts for lost lives etc etc etc.
Light candles, Voice your opinions, but make sure there is action, it is high time for something positive to happen. We can't be held hostage by ones that we elect. We have the money & the resources, it just needs to be put to good use. Awaken yourself. Do something, do anything. Don't ask me, I'm clueless as you are. But let the fire within never die.